We have avoided using access corridors, which are not only costly, but also lower the quality of the residences by exposing the units to the traffic of neighbours to access the homes.
The building typology has been designed to provide the required variety of typologies in the complex, while using only two vertical circulation cores, where fire escape, lift and air supply and return, and utilities will be located. We have grouped the different residential types in order to give access to at least four units in every floor, so that we can optimize the vertical circulation cores. (1 for every 32 units) We have designed the blocks for maximum compactness, grouping the toilets and the kitchens in the centre of the block, to optimize the use of the façade for the living spaces and the bedrooms. Compactness is our first argument of environmental efficiency: the façade ratios are 0,57-0,59 m2/m2 surface and 0.19 m2/m3 volume.