AZPML: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Maider Llaguno-Munitxa, Ravi Lopes, Pep Wennberg, Robert Berenguer
The challenge posed by the local government to build the new public infrastructure for the territory of Trento in the North of Italy, encouraged the design group to propose a solution that responds to both the promoters ambition for the land development and the specificities of the local environment. The proposal has evolved through a constant negotiation between these aspects, to define a solution that is environmentally, technically and economically sustainable.
The key elements taken into account for the development of the project were the study of the landscape and its Riviera, the study of the existing infrastructural networks, and the study of the local cultural and historical background of the rural villages in the area. Following this philosophy, the project adjusts to the different topographies, relates to the existing public transport network and dialogues with the cultural and historical background of the territory of Trento.
We propose the implementation of a combined territorial railway and bus network infrastructure, which we believe to be the best strategy to connect the sparse village network of Trentino. This strategy will minimize the travel times and landscape intervention while maximizing the integration of the new infrastructural elements within the rural landscape of Trento. The proposal is to be implemented in phases, to guarantee a sustainable development. The first phase aims at the reorganization of the existing bus network. The second phase introduces the new railway line that will reach until Alto Garda.
Finally, in the third phase the second railway line until Tione will be built. This long-term picture that integrates pre-existing infrastructural networks and new transport modalities will thread the natural and infrastructural landscapes of Trentino together. This vision embraces the complexity of the natural landscape and the new infrastructural network into an integrated urban ecology.