WTC #2: Ground Zero Memorial and Towers
Invited Competition as Team United Architects
(FOA with GLF, KKA, RUR, IF and UN Studio)
Location: New York, USA
Client: Lower Manhattan Port Authority
Date: 2002 Competition
Total Area: 927,000m2
Brief: Parking; Traffic interface inc. subway stations, bus terminal, PATH train tunnel to New Jersey. High-rise towers and Memorial for the World Trade Centre Ground Zero site
Team credits:
United Architects (FOA with GLF, KKA, RUR, IF and UN Studio)
FOA Partner in charge: Alejandro Zaera-Polo
Project Architects: Daniel Lopez Perez, Nerea Calvillo
Structural Engineer: Ove Arup and Partners, London
Services Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti Engineers, NY. Edwards and Kelsey Engineers Inc, Walker Parking.